Thursday, March 12, 2015

To Catch A Stink: Akron Police On Manhunt For Dude Taking A Dump On & In Cars All Over The City, 19 So Far (Video)

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Akron, Ohio police are searching for a serial offender. No, he hasn't actually harmed anyone, but he's left a stinking mess all over the city.

The Akron News reports that an unidentified man has been shi**ing in and on cars for the last three years. Cops may be closing in on him though after his face was caught in the act as he took a dump on a vehicle.

"I know quite a few people who have had their children's toys and their cars defecated on," Tricia Noraseng, who runs the Castle Homes Facebook page, "Yeah, it's a problem, it's been going on for a while now, so I'm glad someone finally got a picture of it. I don't think a lot of people knew it was happening to other people. When you come outside and you have poop on your slide, or poop on your car, I don't think a lot of people thought to call police."

Akron police Lt. Rick Edwards says the poop offender began his reign of smelly terror in the Castle Homes area starting in 2012. He's determined to put a stop to it.

"The reason that we want to put it out there and identify who this person is," Lt. Edwards says, "is either (to) charge them in these incidents, or find out if they do have mental health issues and get them the proper treatment, so this behavior doesn't continue."

If caught the man will be charged with criminal mischief and other crimes.

Sources: New York Daily News and Akron News

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